Annex FYork Health and Care Partnership


 Monday 15 May 2023, 12:30 - 15:00

Severus Meeting Room; First Floor, West Offices

Chair: Ian Floyd



Ian Floyd (Chair)

Chief Operating Officer

City of York Council (CYC)

Sarah Coltman- Lovell

York Place Director

York Place, H&NY ICB

Rebecca Field

Joint Chair of York Health and Care Collaborative

York Medical Group

Emma Johnson

Chief Executive

St. Leonards Hospice

Brian Cranna

Director of Operations and Transformation, NYY&S


Prof Mike Holmes



Alison Semmence

Chief Executive

York Centre for Voluntary Services (CVS)

Sian Balsom


York Healthwatch

Simon Morritt

Chief Executive


Jamaila Hussain

Corporate Director of Adult Service and Integration


Martin Kelly

Corporate Director of Children and Education


In Attendance

Anna Basilico

Head of Population Health and Partnerships

York Place, H&NY ICB

Hannah Taylor

Team Administrator

York Place, H&NY ICB


Helena Ebbs

Director Clinical & Professional Services

York Place, H&NY ICB

Denise Nightingale

Director of Transformation (Mental Health & Complex Care)

York Place, H&NY ICB

Michelle Carrington

Executive Director for Quality & Nursing

York Place, H&NY ICB

Gail Brown


York Schools & Academies Board

Professor Karen Bryan


Vice Chancellor

York St John University

(representing higher education)

Sharon Stoltz

Director of Public Health


Mark Bradley

Director of Finance

York Place, H&NY ICB


Minutes – draft




Led by


Welcome and apologies for absence


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


The minutes of the meeting held on 17.04.2023 were approved.


There were no declarations of interest in the business of the meeting.






Poverty Truth Commission


Alison shared a video on the poverty truth commission.


Discussion ensued on:

·        Future representation from Nimbuscare, YSTHFT and TEWV as Civic Commissioners

·        Links with the cost-of-living report

·        Young People Poverty Truth Commission

·        The Partnerships role in maintaining focus on those living in poverty and the specific health inequalities people in York experience.

·        Sharing the video at the York School Leaders Board

·        The importance of re-currently funding this work



Alison Semmence


York Partnership Culture and Development Roadmap


Sarah started by summarising the previous work on the York Health and Care Partnerships Cultural values survey and the outcomes of the meeting. Sarah asked questions on whether the Partnership felt our vision was clearer, whether we to make a pledge on actions, and what action can we take personally to continue to embed the work of the partnership and create the conditions for success.


Discussion ensued on:

·        An example of a pledge could be to use facilities offered by others in the partnership

·        Partnership Trust and how we can build this

·        Lack of knowledge and understanding about the partnership organisations

·        Option to focus on fewer items each meeting to execute well

·        Lack of visibility and understanding of the ICB across Place

·        Connecting the teams with similar/same roles across the partnership – walking in each other's shoes

·        How each leader has a responsibility to share YHCP conversations and work internally within their own organisation.



·        Anna/ Hannah to organise an additional meeting for the partnership to talk about their organisations, to be held at Priory Street with the potential to meet quarterly



Sarah Cotman-Lovell/All


Partnership Communications Plan


Sian gave an update on work happening on engagement within the Partnership.

Sian informed the group of a meeting with comms and engagement colleagues from across the partnership.


Outcomes of the meeting were:

·        To continue to work together regularly and feed into the head of comms network

·        Sian would circulate the Prospectus and Core 20plus5 documents to those who attended the comms and engagement meeting

·        Sharing documents with each other to circulate in their own organisations

·        Work together on an integrated communications plan for winter pressures

·        Creation of a campaign roadmap, covering standard comms messaging and working together on other campaigns to add in.

·        Comms and engagement team to meet prior to the head of comms meetings

·        Exploring the engagement platforms used across the partnership to understand what intelligence we have and how this can be shared across organisations.


Sian noted that further work on what can be done for people who know about YHCP and the ICB already and the idea of a workshop.


Suggestions of the partnership attending the Health Mela  in September 2023 were discussed and whether these would be the right fit for the partnership to attend.



Sian Balsom



Updates by exception – ICS collaboratives and programmes


Sarah started by asking the committee if this item could be a standard item on the agenda for people to feedback discussions from the ICB collaboratives and programmes.


Sarah and Alison gave an update on workforce, informing of a workforce event that took place in April, the 180 days challenge has now finished, and we are currently in a breakthrough stage. Sarah informed of a meeting with ICB colleagues Jayne Adamson and Jason Stamp to discuss workforce in York Place and would forward on the invite to colleagues within the partnership.



·        Hannah to circulate the letter from the April Workforce meeting

·        Sarah to forward on the York Place workforce meeting invite to colleagues






Martin raised that he would be unable to attend the July YHCP meeting which focusses on mental health where it would have been beneficial to discuss children and young people. A separate item on children and young people, led by Martin, will be added to the agenda.


Sarah raised key worker accommodation, noting that there will be an increase of 40,000 people with the new developments that are planned for York. A further meeting with Neil Ferris and health leaders is scheduled for the 31st May.


Anna raised the Humber and North Yorkshire ICB Joint Forward Plan will be circulated following the meeting, the plan spans across the ICB but includes the priorities set by the York Health and Care Partnership. The Humber and North Yorkshire ICB Joint Forward Plan will be brought as an item to the June meeting for final comments.



The Joint forward plan to be circulated following the meeting


Ian raised the change in Admin of the political party following the local elections.



Nigel Ayre to be removed from the partnership meeting invite and circulation list


                         ITEM 2